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Karen Haynes with the WeCoach book

The year of the giraffe 2024 it seems, has become the year of the giraffe…

First spotted on a post a few months back by a coach (I believe) who encourages clients to stick their necks out to discuss the undiscussables… Brilliant 😌 A huge thank you to the author if you are reading in - it’s safe to say the giraffe thing has taken on a life of its…...

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No Space Like Home A Decluttering Experience

If your house is too cluttered and you don’t know how to tackle it, Karen Hayns is the person to work with. I choose the word ‘with’ carefully as Karen does not come in and ‘tell’ you what to do or just to throw it away, as I thought would be the case in a…...

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20 ways to make moments memories & magic this Summer

There’s something a little bit magical about Summertime. For me it’s a warmth thing. Not just a sunshine kind of warmth, it’s an all over feeling about the season and what’s ahead, plus the odd moment when I catch myself drifting down memory lane and of days growing up in Somerset....

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Routines, Rituals and Adventure

These new favourite words became the subject of a fascinating conversation I had with a coach and friend of mine following a morning of entertainment and adventure. To set the scene, there we are, headsets on, ready to do a live radio show about life coaching. Literally off the bat! I remember thinking, we’re on…...

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Stories and second winds write well, edit often

Picture the scene - you’ve just met up with a close friend you haven’t seen in a while and you both settle down to a good old natter. You know those chats when you while away the time putting the world to rights, updating one another on the trials and tribulations of this wonderful thing…...

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Top tips to tame your inner groundhog

We’ve all had days when it seems that all we do is go round in circles. Of course, a few days is one thing, but what happens when days become weeks and months become years? Why is it that we seem to carry on struggling with certain things when all we want to do is…...

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What’s cute, colourful and doubles up as self-help guide? Give this a whirl!

Understanding ourselves better is an undoubted art, and a little easier than you might imagine. Yes, cue the Emoji! Why? because love them or not they are seriously big business and I’m in camp love; a quick and fun way of conveying emotion in the moment working their magic to help us tell a story....

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The domino effect and we're not talking pizza!

Time to come clean. Food has been the one area of my life where I’ve been unable to exercise moderation; it was the great frenemy, until now. Having spent almost a lifetime and many half-hearted attempts to lose weight under my own steam, I’ve finally cracked it and lost 3 stone in the last 38…...

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Why asking for help is a very grown-up thing to do

It’s true isn’t it, but at what point do we stop asking for help? Throughout our early years, we do it without thinking; born out of innocence and curiosity and wanting to know the ins and outs of everything. Crucially, it’s also how we develop our moral code by learning right from wrong and yet,…...

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How to create a meaningful life plan in two hours

Yes, this is entirely possible! If I was an online blogger I’d be calling this a life hack, so my 10-year-old son keeps telling me! You will need a couple of hours to yourself, a notepad, some post-it notes and somewhere to stick them – a table or wall will do, a pen or fine…...

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